Laissez nous un message Nom / Prénom E-mail E-mail visible Titre : Votre message Information Votre adresse IP sera envoyée avec votre message Votre adresse IP :, Les messages 2008 2007 Congratulations! To a fine litter! We sure are proud of our grand-children! We do look forward to see how they develop in the future! And give the proud Yazoo a nice bone and a big hug, she deserves it! 20/06/2007 - Anci & Nicke Niklasson
Les messages 2008 2007 Congratulations! To a fine litter! We sure are proud of our grand-children! We do look forward to see how they develop in the future! And give the proud Yazoo a nice bone and a big hug, she deserves it! 20/06/2007 - Anci & Nicke Niklasson